The East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame is dedicated to the preservation of the history and heritage of East Coast Surfing and to enshrine forever the people who have been responsible for its development and growth, and to preserve, protect and record the legacy and historically valuable lore of East Coast Surfing.

Will Allison
Bill Bringhurst
Tom Dugan
Howie Goldsmith
Richard Graham*
Mary Ann Hayes
Matt Kechele
Dick Meseroll
Pat Mulhern
Sam Reid*
Frieda Zamba

Lisa Andersen
Jim Cartland
Todd Holland
Charlie Kuhn
Bob Mignogna
Ted James*
Richard Lisiewski*

Sharon Wolfe Cranston
Bud Gardner*
Sue Lloyd Hogan
Ross Houston
Jeff Klugel
Scott Mc Cranels
George Miller
Bob Rohmann
Doug Waters

Barbie Belyea
Tim Briers
Shagg Catri
Kirk Cottrell*
Bill Feinberg
John Holeman
Larry Miniard
Pat Scholtz
Sean Slater
Kevin Welsh

David DCB Balzerak
Shea Lopez
Allan Margolis*
Mike Martin*
Donny Mulhern*
Greg Mungall
Michael Nemo Nemnich
Dean Randazzo
Christel Rover
Les Shaw

Media Pioneers
Paul Chapey
Doug Fiske
Ed Greevy
John Gundersen
Carl T. Herrman
Dick Van Winkle*
